明万历“宁波府志”载:“(油菜)其子可打油。春二、三月,食其心最美,俗称‘菜蕻’”宁波盛产菜蕻,因其色泽翠绿,口味清香,蕴含春天之气息,故又名“万年青”。“义茂”万年青采用油菜菜蕻最嫩部分经过精细的热分风干燥而成,含丰富的维生素,纤维素和人体所需的多种元素,系纯绿色食品,用万年青做汤,清淡,爽口,碧绿。 | ||||||||||||||||
Ningbo Document of Ming Dynasty recorded :“Cole grows in spring;its core is the best part to eat”.As is verdant in color and light scented with spring flavor ,it is also known as“Ever green”. Yimao Ever Green is made of the tenderest part of Cole with hot wind drying technique .It is rich in vitamin ,fiber and other nutrition that we need to keep healthy .Whether to make soup or cook dishes ,it looks greenly beautiful and tastes like it is fresh . | ||||||||||||||||
万年青 Ever Green |